Tuesday 26 February 2008

Spring is Here! ...Almost

Today has been an absolutely beautiful day. Sunny, not cold (I won't go so far as warm yet), birds singing, the whole nine yards. I actually got a little too warm walking around in my winter coat today. It is interesting how rapidly the seasons change - I felt that the change from summer to fall was very abrupt, happening in just a week or two. Now again, it seems that over the past week the sun is finally staying up until a decent hour of the night (doesn't go down until 6 now!), the temperature's improving, and overall the signs of Spring are everywhere. My spirits are lifted. However, my happiness was doused a little today when one of my supervisees told me that this was very unusual weather for Cambridge at the end of February. So perhaps we'll have another relapse into Winter...but I'm enjoying my temporary Spring while it lasts!

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