Monday, 24 August 2009

Coke vs. Coke

As I sit here with my can of Coca-Cola (in a valiant (yet fruitless?) attempt to stimulate my jet-lagged brain), I am led to ponder about the taste of Coke in the UK vs. Coke in the US. In the UK, as many of you know, Coke is made from sugar rather than corn syrup. To be perfectly honest, I didn't really notice a difference until someone mentioned it to me. Although it's my favorite soda, I must not drink it routinely enough to notice such differences.

However, this time upon my travel to and return from the US I can definitely tell a difference. Now I'm trying to decide which I like better. Most people seem to prefer the sugar Coke taste rather than the corn syrup taste. I *think* I do as well, but at the same time there is a nostalgic part of me that found it refreshing to drink the Coke I grew up with while I was home. When I first had Coke during my recent trip back home, my brain thought "now that's what Coke's supposed to taste like." But now that I'm sitting here at my desk in the UK drinking the sugar Coke, I'm thinking that it tastes a bit better than what I was just drinking back home.

So I guess I'm just confused!

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